Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cerita di Balik Simbol-simbol Teknologi

Apakah kalian pernah berpikir kenapa simbol on/off harus disimbolkan dengan lingkaran dan sebuah garis vertikal di tengahnya? Atau kenapa simbol bluetooth seperti sebuah kacamata vertikal? Simak artikel berikut ini.

1. Tombol power on/off

Simbol ini asal mulanya digunakan pertama kali pada perang dunia 2 sebagai sandi untuk saklar. Garis vertikal melambangkan angka "1" yang artinya hidup atau on, dan lingkaran melambangkan angka "0" yang artinya mati atau off. Sementara lingkaran yang tidak sempurna melambangkan kondisi standby.

2. Tombol Bluetooth

Tombol yang satu ini sudah tidak asing lagi buat yang hobi hobi transfer data dari satu perangkat ke perangkat lain. Gara-gara suka buah blueberry, raja Denmark ke-10, Harald Blatand mewarnai salah satu giginya dengan warna biru. Dan gara-gara bluetooth receptor pertama bentuknya mirip dengan gigi sang raja, dipakailah sandi yang biasa melambangkan raja Harald sebagai simbolnya.

3. Play

Belum ada kisah yang pasti dan jelas kenapa segitiga dipake buat melambangkan tombol play. Yang pasti, segitiga dianggap jadi simbol penunjuk arah yang paling gampang terbaca. Posisinya yang mengarah ke kanan mengingatkan kita pada arah jalan pita rekam pada kaset.

4. USB

Kesaktian tongkat Neptunus menginspirasi simbol USB sebagai konektor yang bisa menghubungkan koneksi apapun. Tiga ujung tongkatnya yang terbentuk dari tiga bidang, kotak, segitiga, dan lingkaran jadi penegas kalau USB adalah konektor yang serba bisa.

5. AT

Saat belum ada mesin cetak, pendeta harus menulis tangan tiap naskah yang diterbitkan. Daripada repot menulis kata "at", mereka pun bikin simbil "t" yang melilit "a". Maka jadilah simbol ini.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H

Dear Temans/Sahabats,


Hari ini, genap sudah satu bulan kita menjalankan ibadah puasa di bulan penuh kemuliaan, yang datang menghampiri setiap setahun sekali, Ramadhan... Apapun jenis/macam/bentuk amal ibadah kita, mudah-mudahan diterima semuanya oleh Allah SWT. Tanpa kecuali, walaupun ada yang g' sah atau kurang sempurna, marilah berdo'a agar Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang berkenan menerimanya. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin...

Sedihnya.... Ramadhan tinggal hari ini aja, sedangkan ibadah masih secuil. Ya Allah, biarpun amal hambaMu yang hina ini hanya secuil, mohon Ya Allah, agar Engkau terima dan Engkau lipat gandakan pahalanya... Walaupun dari ibadah yang secuil itupun kurang sempurna, mohon dengan KeagunganMu, Engkau jadikan besar Ya Rabbi... Ya Allah, setelah tenggelamnya matahari hari ini, jadikanlah hamba dan seluruh muslimin dan muslimat termasuk kedalam golongan orang-orang yang MENANG, orang-orang yang bertakwa kepadaMu, Tuhan Semesta Alam beserta isinya... Ya Mujiib...

Taqobbalallahu minna wa minkum, shiyamana wa shiyamakum minal aidin wal faidzin, Taqabbal Yaa Kariim...

Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun karim... Tuhibbul 'Afwa, fa'fu'anni...

Saudara/i ku seiman, mohon maaf lahir batin ya... Maafin atas segala kesalahan dan kekurangan.

Dewy Azura

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Shield Yourself With Antioxidant

Health has been our first concern throughout our life. It feels so uncomfortable when we got sick, or affected by illness or such. There are many reasons why people can easily get sick such as not eating regularly, not consume nutritious food, not resting enough, or not have good body resistant, not in a healthy environment that make us easily prone to viruses, free radicals, or oxidant that can attack the immune system of our body. Yeah, many factors. And of course, sick is suck. We have to do something to decrease the possibility of ourself to get sick. One of the way is, with antioxidant. 

But, what's that antioxidant? Let me holler at you. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. Health problems such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer etc are all contributed by oxidative damage. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.

I would like to introduce you with Oxis. Well, I don't know clearly further about Oxis but I know that they are the premiere provider for the potent antioxidant, Ergothioneine and through their patented synthetic manufacturing process remains the only significant commercial source of pure l-ergothioneine worldwide.  OXIS International, Inc. is engaged in the research, development and sale of products that counteract the harmful effects of “oxidative stress.” Oxidative stress refers to the situations in which the body’s antioxidant and other defensive abilities to combat free radicals (a.k.a highly reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen) are overwhelmed and one’s normal healthy balance is either lost or severely compromised.

So, Oxis product is called Ergothioneine, the super antioxidant for nutraceutical, cosmeceutical and therapeutics.  Kind of anti aging, glutathione, antioxidant for penny stocks and free radical. You can visit for further info about them, follow Oxis on Twitter, or join Oxis on facebook

Monday, March 29, 2010

N-Viro International - Great Works To Help Save The Earth

Hi Guyz,,, How are you going on?

Today I want to write a post about N-Viro International Corporation or NVIC. Why do I do that? Because today, Earth, has been my point of view lately. :D Wastes, pollution, and other things that could harm the continuous life in the Earth.  Causing global warming and other chronicle environment. One of the ways to handle them is to convert this harmful object to be harmless and useful. More examples maybe, to turn waste to energy, discover a new alternative energy, or make renewable energy. Imagine it? Like NVIC do... 

So, what does NVIC do? One of their special service is about N-Viro (to produce Biosolids). What is Biosolid? Biosolids also known as sewage sludge, are the residual solids left over after the treatment of municipal wastewater. It contains valuable organic matter, plant nutrients and biological activity. In raw form biosolids have been used to supplement commercial fertilizers by the farming industry for decades. Today, NVIC treat biosolids further to remove harmful pathogens. By safely returning the nutrients that were taken up by plants to the land, biosolids complete the organic recycling circle. Agriculture benefits from the return of these valuable nutrients and organics. You can check out more in their visualize video  : 

N-Viro International Corporation develops and licenses its technology to municipalities and private companies. Their patented processes use lime and/or mineral-rich, combustion by products to treat, pasteurize, immobilize and convert wastewater sludge and other bio-organic wastes into biomineral agricultural and soil-enrichment products with real market value. FYI, this company has generated sales in excess of $40 million dollars since its initial public offering in October of 1993, which was underwritten by Robertson Stephens, Raymond James, Oppenheimer & Co., and Paine Webber.

So, do you interested to know more about them and what they are doing? Because their scope of service is not only within N-Viro Soil with their Biosolids, but also N-Viro Biodry, N-Viro BioBlend, and N-Viro Fuel with opportunity fuels (clean coal)... Find more about them at